Cosa facciamo | Purple Network
A lot of things
which all work

We make sites bug proof and multi-device apps

We are fluent in web language, developing in HTML5 / CSS3 / Sass / Javascript / AngularJS / PHP / Symfony / AmazonAWS, but with mobile devices we often prefer to go native language with Java, Objective-C and Swift. We train continuously to raise quality standards, without losing pace.

We are consultants right from the initial design stage and we know how to tell you what can be done and what can't

We like to be involved right from the briefing stage and help our customers choose the best technological solution to create the desired experience. We are passionate and always up to date on technological innovations and, if involved from the beginning, we can make an important contribution to your ideas.

We have powerful and scalable servers and we take care of your domains

We are able to provide a perfect infrastructure for every need, offering top-of-the-range Amazon AWS services. If you don't need hosting, we are still able to support you and interface with all types of providers.

We experiment with electronics in our lab at mc gyver

Microsoft Kinect, iBeacon, Arduino and Raspberry PI take our services to new levels of engagement and sharing. Curiosity and continuous training on new technologies lead us to design services and applications designed for the Internet Of Things.

On ours sites don't get lost, we sow bread crumbs at every crossroads

We maintain constant attention to the User Experience throughout the design process. The careful study of user experience and interactions allows our products to acquire value over time.

If in doubt ask us, we use the SCRUM method and we go through every delivery

Over the years we have refined the Project Management phases to simplify collaboration with our partners and allow them to easily follow all the design and implementation steps, even the most demanding and complex ones. When the going gets tough, we use SCRUM as an agile and intuitive software development methodology.

Automated tests on all platforms, without having to clear cache and cookies every time

We employ tools such as behat, bdd, karma, jasmine and cucumber to guarantee our products an excellent and measurable level of quality. Our state-of-the-art tests that include both the frontend and the backend are an essential phase of the development of each project.

We never get tired of attracting the net the best developers In circulation

Ours is the experience of a network of excellent collaborators who are constantly undergoing training, perfectly integrated in every stage of the workflow.

Se vuoi affidarci un lavoro, se hai bisogno di una mano per una gara, o se semplicemente vuoi sapere se l’idea che hai avuto è realizzabile.